BHF Pack for Good
Find out more about how you can support our ‘pack for good ‘ campaign and donate your unwanted items to British Heart Foundation.

Pronouns: Let’s get it right
Getting pronouns right is a way to respect a person’s gender identity.

Lincoln Pride 2022
We had a great time at Lincoln Pride 2022. It was the biggest Pride Lincoln’s ever seen and it was great to see so many people there in support of the LGBTQ+ community.

Black History Month 2022
The theme for Black History Month 2022 which is “Time for Change: Action Not Words”. More information coming soon.

Hate Crime Awareness Week
Hate Crime Awareness Week 2022. We want to make sure that everyone knows what hate crime is, what impact it has on our communities and how we can work together to prevent it.

LGBTQ+ History Month
LGBT+ history month happens every February in the UK. It exists to reflect and remember the community’s history and offers a chance to look back at the progress made over the years. Our plans for LGBTQ+ Month 2023 will be announced early 2023.