Our Customer Service Charter

Residence Life Customer Services Charter

The ResLife Team is committed to providing an excellent level of customer service and strives to maintain this with regular reviews, staff training and encouraging feedback from our customers.

Our Customer Service Charter outlines the commitments and promises we have made to deliver a high quality of customer service to all our customers. It outlines from the outset what you can expect from the services we provide.

Our Service

The Residence Life Team provides a service to University of Lincoln students, prospective students and pre-sessional students living in university managed residences. We are committed to providing a high-quality service that is accessible to all our customers, in a safe, secure, friendly and customer focused environment. Our Customer Service Charter outlines the standards of service that you can expect from us, and how we will deliver them.

We are committed to putting you first and giving excellent customer service. That’s why we promise to:
  • Provide a friendly, polite and professional service and always putting students first.
  • Provide a service during our core hours of 18:00 – 00:00 every day during term time.
  • Value your privacy and treating all personal information confidentially.
  • Ensure your health and safety is of upmost importance.
  • Respond to all enquiries, feedback and complaints quickly and efficiently.
  • Actively support the local community in which we live and work.
  • Celebrate the diversity of our One Community.
To deliver on this commitment, we will:
  • Actively seek customer feedback on the experience of our service, to determine that we are delivering the level of service as promised in our charter.
  • Aim to respond to all email enquiries within 48 hours.
  • Embrace customer feedback and any changes that help shape and improve our services.
  • Resolve customer complaints fairly and consistently within our published timescales.
  • Be trained to give you advice and assistance to be able to signpost your queries to the most appropriate department.
  • Wear photo ID to identify ourselves and show identification if we visit your accommodation.
  • Treat our customers with respect, courtesy and consideration, regardless of their age, sexual orientation, religious belief, gender, disability or race.
  • Uphold our One Community Values.
To ensure that we are able to provide the best possible service, you can help us by:
  • Treating all staff members, fellow residents, students and all members of our community in a polite and courteous manner.
  • Respect the safety, privacy and needs of all others.
  • Letting us know if you are unable to attend an appointment or event.
  • Providing us with feedback on your experiences of our services in order to demonstrate that we are delivering the level of service as promised in this charter. Methods used to gain this insight will include the Residence Life Feedback forms, an annual survey and focus groups.
  • In the case that you are not satisfied with our service – letting us know where we fell short of your expectations, and how we can improve. We take all complaints very seriously and will deal with them locally and immediately where we can. If your complaint cannot be resolved immediately, it will be referred to the next line manager. If your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction in the first instance, or if it is not appropriate for an informal resolution to be sought, you should follow the University complaints procedure.

Our charter will be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure that the commitments we make continue to reflect the needs and expectations of our customers.